Version 1.14.0
Released on : December 2023
Operational version
- New delivery microservice to allow an user to order and be delivered on a S3 server when order is done.
- Allow to index a Postgres datasource having an ID field
- New log and monitoring system with Graphana/Loki/Prometheus
Breaking change
You need to follow the Ansible migration guide to update your playbook from V1.13 to V1.14
- Microservice rs-catalog
- Search Engine Stac API: add support to search parameter
(still supportsortBy
) to follow the STAC specification
- Search Engine Stac API: add support to search parameter
- Microservice rs-ingest
- New optional parameter
in metadata section of SIP submission endpoint body/sips
- New optional parameter
- Microservice rs-order
- New field
in AMQP message to create an order
see api doc - New fields
in suborder status notification onfr.cnes.regards.modules.order.amqp.output.OrderResponseDtoEvent
see api doc - New fields
in suborder error notification onfr.cnes.regards.modules.order.amqp.output.OrderResponseDtoEvent
see api doc
- New field
Bug fixes
- Improve Cesium map when there is large geometry.
- Fix product access rights computation
- Improvement of the BD Hikari thread pool (increase waiting time for a connection in relation to the maximum duration of a bd connection)
- Correction of the management of access rights and more precisely the right of access to data files.
- S3 Glacier plugin: separation of storage and restitution thread pools
- S3 glacier plugin: correction of a problem on the locking system in the management of small file archives
- S3 Glacier plugin: Fixed a memory problem when storing
- Job management in the case where an error occurs on a tenant preventing to process other tenants
- LTA parameters in the LTA request (geometry, tags, storePath) are now optional
- Fixed an error when deleting erroneous ingest requests if the request was associated with a product with multiple versions
- Error during CSV export of orders with filters
- Fixed a postgres BD connection error if the size of the username field is too long
- Fixed an error which caused all error logs on the catalog service to be recommended as coming from the STAC plugin
- Add an index to OAIS AIP table to increase crawling on last update field