Version 1.8.1
Last stable version before V1.10
As many Java applications, REGARDS has been concerned by the Log4J vulnerability.
We decided to take time to update our backend codebase to upgrade to Spring 2.6.4, Java 17 and ElasticSearch 7.
Before publishing version 1.10.0, we publish this version (1.8.1) for users that coundn't wait much longer.
What's new on V1.8.1 ?
- Opensearch protocol improvements with EarthObservation extension support.
- Catalog download file API now check users accepted the license : it throws an error if current user try to download a file without accepting the project licence.
- Fix an issue that prevents order processing.
- Several HMI improvements and bug fix.
Manual opensearch engine migration
If you already have configured an Opensearch engine on your project, you need to :
- Edit the Opensearch engine configuration using the admin HMI
- Tick the checkbox of the attribute "Open search Earth Observation extension (*)"
- Save the form
You can now re-edit the Opensearch engine configuration if you want to rollback and disable such extension.
Saving the form using the admin HMI fixed the configuration.