Version 1.13.0
Released on : 01/09/2023
Operational version
- New scan plugins for dataprovider microservice
- Order system can now automatically add additional files to user orders by adding files associated to the dataset of the selected products.
- New retry system for sending mail after smtp connection error.
- New storage plugin to store and restore files on S3 server Tier 3 (cold storage).
- Feature Manager allows product notifications for specific recipient(s).
- New IHM criterion plugin type cone search (geometry search).
Breaking change
- You need to follow the Ansible migration guide to update your playbook from V1.12 to V1.13
- You should active the
securised: true
on the frontend service. See the impact below.
securised: true
API changes :
All microservices
Header parameter
may be requiredThe reverse proxy NGinx now refuses requests if there are not hitting the public domain name of your REGARDS instance.
If you use the public domain name of your REGARDS instance, there is no change to do:
$ curl -k ''
-- it's working
If you use some Swarm node hostname, the request will be refused:
$ curl -k 'https://regards-node01/api/v1/rs-admin-instance/projects?page=0&size=100'
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
To make it work, you need to add the Host
header parameter with the public domain name of your REGARDS instance:
$ curl -k 'https://regards-node01/api/v1/rs-admin-instance/projects?page=0&size=100' \
-H 'Host:' \
-- it's working
Microservice rs-admin
- Endpoint to export users to csv changed from
see api doc - Email management endpoints id moved from rs-admin service to rs-admin-instance service. see api doc
Microservice rs-catalog
- New endpoint to validate a geometry
see api doc
Microservice rs-ingest
- New optional parameter submissionDate in metadata section of SIP sumbission endpoint
see api doc - New field errorType in response content and errorTypes in request body from
endpoint see api doc
Microservice rs-lta-manager
- Field id renamed into productId into endpoint
see api doc
Microservice rs-notifier
- Endpoint to find all available recipients for notification moved from
see api doc
Bug fixes
- Fix display of not searchable attributes on dataset filter creation page.
- Fix search on OAIS product management (admin HMI) to allow use of '_' character.
- Fix regression on quicklook display on user HMI.
- Improve Cesium map when there is large geometry.