Version 1.11.0
Released on : November 2022
Operational version
- Upgrade ElasticSearch from 6.5 to 7.17.1
- Upgrade Spring from 2.2.4 to 2.6.4
- Upgrade Java 8 to Java 17
- Improve orders HMI
- S3 Storage plugin - production ready
- Improves Elasticsearch indexes
- Allows to specify which (REGARDS) attributes are searchable and whose that are not on our catalog (ElasticSearch)
- Improve crawler aspiration on large datasource (from 1 year to 1 hour!)
Bug fixes :
- Crawling error when matching not found between entity and model date time interval attribute.
- Error during new user creation
- Error during terminated order deletion
- Invalid quicklook high resolution display on user HMI
- Error on datasets size calculation
- Error of multi download service
- Mails are sent to user to inform them that they have orders waiting for download on expired orders.
- Admin HMI, error on dashboard counts of products and processes.
- Admin HMI, invalid default sort on orders page.
- User HMI, invalid display on numerical range criteria
- User HMI, freeze when displaying entity description
- User HMI, Invalid tooltip on associated files to an entity on description page.
- OOM on S3 REGARDS utils
- User HMI, freeze when user switch from one catalog to another
- Many improvement on dashboard (session computation)
- Fix mail sent everyday when order expires
- Improve HTTPS support