Version 1.4.0
This version modify some APIs of existing services.
Existing catalogs needs to be reset.
Manual migration
As 1.4.0 Version of REGARDS modify the way to index any data in Elasticsearch catalog, catalog of every projects of a REGARDS instance should be reset. To do so, you can use the reset option from the administration interface as describe here
AMQP subscribers changes
The here under changes modify how applications can interract with "Feature Manager" REGARDS sevice to send feature requests through AMQP messages
AMQP Feature requests
Feature creation request
No changes in amqp interfaces.
Feature creation request by file reference
- Reference requests in previous version are renamed to "Extraction requests" in V1.4.0.
- New extraction requests has to be published on this exchange :
- In previous version reference requests were sent to :
The requests body and header has not changed.
Feature patch request
No changes in amqp interfaces.
Feature deletion request
No changes in amqp interfaces.
AMQP monitoring API
Requests response
- In previuous version requests responses were all sent to :
- In new version All Creation/Notification/Deletion/Update requests responses are sent to :
- In new version All Extraction requests responses are sent to :
HMI improvements
- Add new feature in Geographical view on user interface
- Add Cesium as graphical 3D engine renderer for Geographical view in user interface.
New Administrators configuration option to limit users download throught quotas.
Processing service
New Processing service allows administrator to define data treatements applicable to user order data. To learn more about this new feature, you can read the Processing walkthrough guide
- Improve notifications sent to subscribed client to inform for all new feature added / modified / deleted from any REGARDS datasource.
- Improve Elasticsearch mapping of indexed attributs thanks to defined data models and included typed attributes.