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Version: 1.16

Delete product

This section describes how to delete a product with the Feature manager or rs-fem service of REGARDS with AMQP interfaces.


The diagram below explains the global processing of a new Feature deletion request by REGARDS system.
For a REGARDS client using message queuing, responses are sent for each change of your request status:

  • DENIED : Your request has been denied (possibly malformed request).
  • GRANTED : Your request has been granted and will be processed soon
  • ERROR : Processing of your granted request finished in error status.
  • SUCCESS : Processing of your granted request finished with success. Your SIP as been successfully ingest, AIP generated and associated files stored.


Requests and responses are linked with a correlation identifier : requestId provided into deletion requests and added in service responses.


When you submit a Feature deletion request you have to ensure that the provided requestId is unique. Service will respond to your request with this identifier.


How to

The Regards AMQP API concept describe how AMQP interfaces must be handled to submit events or to subscribe to events.


Deletion requests have to be published to this REGARDS RabbitMQ exchange:

ExchangeVirtual host

Request content


priorityIntegerStandard RabbitMQ property to sort messages by priority order.
content_encodingStringStandard RabbitMQ property for the encoding type of the message
content_typeStringStandard RabbitMQ property for the MIME Type of the message sent
delivery_modeIntegerStandard RabbitMQ property for the delivery mode (persistent or not)


regards.tenantThe tenant or project to request. It must be an existing Regards tenant.
regards.request.idString of max 36 characters long. You must ensure that this id is unique.
regards.request.dateISO 8601 date (can be in the future to delay request processing).
See How it works section for more information.
regards.request.ownerString of max 128 characters long

Use the request date parameter to delay the request processing if you need to by giving a date in the future. The given date, will the execution date of our request. If a past date is provided, request will be processed as soon as possible.


priorityStringHIGH, NORMAL, LOW.
See How it works section for more information.
urnStringUnique identifier of the feature to delete


# Headers
Example of feature deletion request body
"priority": "NORMAL",
"urn": "URN:FEATURE:DATA:tenant:87fdda0e-27d1-494f-a1c0-c57f2f0810f7:V1"

Responses format

To learn how to subscribe to your request responses as described in the introduction diagram see Subscribe to responses.