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Version: 1.16


The Gateway or rs-gateway microservice acts as proxy of REGARDS. It's the entry point for all incoming REST requests to any REGARDS microservice. That's why Gateway is a part of REGARDS microservice architecture, and is mandatory.

Docker deployment

When you deploy REGARDS using Docker SWARM, we also deploy an NGinx reverse proxy in front of the gateway: rs-front. So all requests go through the rs-front service, then through the Gateway service and finally hits the requested service.

rs-gateway responsibilities :

  • intercepts REST requests, checks token validity and makes sure that user is well authenticated (see authentication REST API concept).
  • logs these requests to trace all input REST requests.
  • route requests to correct recipient
MultitenantYesCan handle multiple tenants/projects
Vertical scalabilityNoUses Jobs system
Horizontal scalabilityYesService can be deployed with multiple instances

How it works

You can learn how the service works with the conception overview.

How to access source code

Microservice source code is available on GitHub.