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Version: 1.16

REGARDS services overview

This section provides documentation about REGARDS microservices :

  • Access project : Access project or rs-access-project microservice is used as a backend for frontend. This service is used by the Web UI to retrieve its configuration and to aggregate some microservices information.
  • Access instance : Access instance or rs-access-instance microservice has been designed as a front-end to access the various generalist services made available by Regards.
  • Admin project (rs-admin) : Admin project or rs-admin manages project users and roles
  • Admin instance : Admin instance or rs-admin-instance microservice has been designed to centralize processes for the administration of Regards for all projets.
  • Authentication : Authentication or rs-authentication microservice manage project or tenant users authentication.
  • Catalog: Catalog or rs-catalog microservice is used to consult products in the Regards meta-catalogue
  • Data management (rs-dam): Data management or rs-dam microservice mainly handle meta catalog population.
  • Data provider : Data provider or rs-data-provider microservice is used to detect files on disk, create products in SIP format from these files and finally send these SIPs to the rs-ingest service.
  • Delivery: Delivery or rs-delivery microservice manage products orders delivery to configured locations.
  • Feature manager (rs-fem) : Feature manager or rs-fem microservice is used to manage products in GeoJson format
  • Gateway: Gateway or rs-gateway manage the front proxy for the global microservice architecture.
  • Ingest : Ingest or rs-ingest microservice manage the Regards OAIS catalog.
  • LTA Manager : Lta manager or rs-lta-manager microservice manages the products archival requests. It is a simplified way to add products in the OAIS catalog.
  • Notifier: Notifier or rs-notifier microservice is used to broadcast messages from notifications received, such as products managed by REGARDS internal catalogs, to different recipients according to broadcast rules.
  • Order: Order or rs-order microservice manage users product orders.
  • Processing: Processing or rs-processing microservice, driven by order microservice,
  • Registry: Registry or rs-registry microservice manages the microservices registry of the global microservice architecture.
  • Storage: Storage or rs-storage microservice manages the storage, the deletion and the download of files associated to products of OAIS catalog rs-ingest and GeoJson catalog rs-fem.
  • Worker Manager: Worker Manager or rs-worker-manager microservice is designed to act as an entry point for all processing requests dedicated to all workers on the system