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Version: 1.16


Workers have been designed to enable massive parallel processing of requests. For this purpose:

  • Workers use the AMQP API to retrieve the requests to be processed.
  • Workers can be massively replicated to handle a high volume of requests in parallel.
  • Workers do not use a database to retrieve requests, manage their states, or utilize shared locks to prevent another replica from performing the same activity in parallel. This is main difference with a REGARDS microservice.
  • Workers do not support multi-tenancy, it's just a metadata used to contact back REGARDS services after the processing is done.
  • Workers can be chained to allow different types of processing chain.

The implementation of processing tasks on workers is therefore simplified compared to those performed by REGARDS microservices. A deployed worker will regularly send a heartbeat to the Worker Manager to confirm that its worker type is active. Workers listen to its AMQP processing queue to retrieve requests to be executed.

The following processing steps illustrate commonly implemented possibilities:

  • Retrieve a message during a transaction, allowing the message to remain in the input queue if the processing fails for an undetermined reason.
  • File processing : move a file from one storage system to another, extract archives...
  • Metadata processing : read a product data file, extract business metadata, and generate an AMQP message to modify the GeoJSON product, enriching the product's metadata.
  • Acknowledge the AMQP message when processing is complete. If the processing failed, send the error reason to the Worker Manager. If the processing was successful, the worker can either send a success message or issue a new processing request for the Worker Manager, which can then take this payload and send it to a new worker.

Workers can actually be developed with any language that provides a client library to connect to RabbitMQ !
Checkout the Java Spring cloud Stream or Python implementations to make your own worker.