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Version: 1.16

Create products


This section describes how to submit a new product to the rs-fem service using the REST interfaces.

To create a product through AMQP API, you have to submit a product in GeoJson format with some additional information. These additional information allows you to:

  • Choose product versioning method.
  • Choose method to handle product associated files.
  • Add meta information about the creation process.

The diagram below explains the global processing of a new product submission request by REGARDS system. For a REGARDS client using REST interface, the main steps are:

  1. Authenticate to REGARDS in order to retrieve a valid token. See the authenticate guide.
  2. Send your product archive request containing product information to RS-FEM microservice
  3. Retrieve information about your request status from RS-FEM microservice.



How to

The Regards REST API concept describe how REST interfaces must be handled to submit requests.



Request content

For creation and update requests, REST API is expecting a GeoJSON collection extended with specific metadata.

The structure is as follows :

  • Required metadata that apply to all features,
  • A required type with value FeatureCollection,
  • Required features containing a set of GeoJson features.


metadataSee below
feature(look at description here)

With metadata being described as this:

priorityStringHIGH, NORMAL, LOW.
See How it works section for more information.
overrideBooleanIndicates whether the previous version should be overridden or not (only for request without urn provided).
See How it works section for more information.
updateIfExistsBooleanIf URN is provided and an associated feature already exists, indicates whether the feature should be updated with the new parameters or not.
See How it works section for more information.
sessionStringArbitrary session name to classify data for human operators.
sessionOwnerStringArbitrary session owner to classify data for human operators.
storagesArrayTarget storages if there are files to store (may be an empty list!).
See How it works section for more information.
storages[].pluginBusinessIdStringStorage plugin identifier (previously configured in Storage Management.false
storages[].targetTypesArrayList of data object types accepted by this storage location.true
storages[].storePathStringDirectory in which to store the file.true

Example with file storage

A request with file storage means that you want REGARDS to move the products files to one or many configured storage locations. See How it works section for more information.

This feature creation request contains one product with only one file that will be stored on a Local Regards data storage. That means that the Regards system and more precisely the rs-storage microservice must be able to access this file in order to copy it to the destination storage. Storage locations are configured in storage microservice.


This exemple is the way to ask rs-fem microservice to move files to the selected storage location(s) of your choice.

curl --data "@request.json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
content of file request.json
"metadata": {
"session": "session",
"sessionOwner": "owner",
"storages": [
"pluginBusinessId": "disk"
"priority": "NORMAL"
"requestOwner": "owner",
"features": [
"entityType": "DATA",
"model": "FEATURE01",
"files": [
"locations": [
"storage": null,
"url": ""
"attributes": {
"dataType": "RAWDATA",
"mimeType": "application/xml",
"filename": "filename",
"filesize": 100,
"algorithm": "MD5",
"checksum": "checksum"
"id": "MyId",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point",
"bbox": null,
"crs": null
"normalizedGeometry": null,
"properties": {
"data_type": "TYPE01",
"file_characterization": {
"valid": true
"type": "Feature"
"type": "FeatureCollection"

Exemple with files reference

A request with file reference means that you want REGARDS to reference files without moving them from the given location. See How it works section for more information.

This product contains only one file located on an S3 server. As the storage location of the file is provided, S3Server Regards system will not try to store the file but only references its given location. Nevertheless, with this system you must provide:

  • Storage location name : Should be an existing storage location defined on rs-storage microservice. If not, the file will be considered as Offline and will not be accessible for download.
  • File size in bytes: Regards will not access the file by itself so the information must be provided.

This exemple is the way to ask rs-fem microservice to only reference the files in your product without moving any file.

curl --data "@request.json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
content of file request.json
"metadata": {
"session": "session",
"sessionOwner": "owner",
"storages": [],
"priority": "NORMAL"
"requestOwner": "owner",
"features": [
"entityType": "DATA",
"model": "FEATURE01",
"files": [
"locations": [
"storage": "S3Server",
"url": ""
"attributes": {
"dataType": "RAWDATA",
"mimeType": "application/xml",
"filename": "filename",
"filesize": 100,
"algorithm": "MD5",
"checksum": "checksum"
"id": "MyId",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point",
"bbox": null,
"crs": null
"normalizedGeometry": null,
"properties": {
"data_type": "TYPE01",
"file_characterization": {
"valid": true
"type": "Feature"
"type": "FeatureCollection"


  • Code: 201 Created

The success return codes only means that your request has been granted an will be processed soon.

Response Body:

grantedMap<String, String>Couples FeatureId/requestId for granted requests
deniedMap<String, String>Couples FeatureId/cause for denied requests
messageList<String>Error messages information
Example of creation response

"granted": {
"ProductId001": "request-id-001"
"denied": {
"ProductId002": "Missing parameter cloud_coverage"
"messages": []