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Version: 2.0

S3 Glacier Plugin


The S3 Glacier storage plugin stores file on an Amazon S3 Tier 3 (glacier) server.

Small files management

It's more efficient to manage large files than many small files on the S3 Glacier server. For this reason, instead of storing small files individually, an archive containing them is created and stored once it reaches a certain size or age. This process is handled by REGARDS on a workspace that the storage microservice must be able to access. This workspace is used to store small files until the archive is created and stored (this occurs when an archive reaches either a certain age or size), and to restore small file archives when one of the files they contain needs to be retrieved.

External cache

It is possible to use Tier 2 storage on an S3 Glacier server in place of the REGARDS cache. In this case, the files are copied directly from the Tier 2 server and are never stored in the REGARDS external cache (on the filesystem where REGARDS is deployed).


Parameter NameTypeDescription
Workspace pathPath (String)Path to the workspace were the plugin will process the small files and regroup them in archives
Small file max sizeInteger (in bytes)Maximal size of a file to be considered a small file so it uses the small file archival system
Archive max sizeInteger (in bytes)Maximal size of an archive, the archive will be closed and stored when it reaches this size
Archive max ageInteger (in hours)Maximal age of an archive after which it will be closed and stored, even if it isn't full
Number of files to restore in parallelIntegerNumber of files restoration in parallel, each restoration need an active thread idling until the file is restored
Number of files to store in parallelIntegerNumber of upload to process at the same time, an higher number will require more resources from the microservice
Small file archive cache lifetimeInteger (in hours)How long will the restored small file archived will be kept in regards cache before being deleted
S3 access TimeoutInteger (in seconds)How long the restoration process will wait for the restored file to be available before failing
Standard storage class nameStringThe name of the storage class were files are moved to be available (Tier 2)
Enable external cacheBooleanIf true, this storage will use the cache of the S3 Server instead of the cache of REGARDS
S3 server endpointUrl (String)Endpoint where to reach the desired S3 server, this should contain the whole url and stop just before the bucket
S3 server regionStringRegion of the S3 server, this must match the region configured on the server
S3 server keyStringKey (user) to access the server
S3 server secretStringSecret (password) to access the server
S3 server bucketStringName of the S3 bucket where the files should be stored
Storage root pathPath (String)Root path on the S3 server where the files will be stored (host/pathtobucket/rootPath/subdirectory/checksum)
Multipart upload parts sizeInteger (in megabytes)For multipart upload, the file will be cut in part of this size
Multipart upload parallel partsIntegerFor multipart upload, number of parts that will be loaded in memory in REGARDS
Enable physical deletion of filesBooleanIf false, the files won't be deleted from the file system when they are deleted from regards
File Naming StrategyEnum (String)Either CHECKSUM (default) or FILENAME, determine how the file will be named on the file system