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Version: 2.0

Local Plugin


The Local storage plugin uses the file system where regards is deployed to store files.

Small files management

When storing a new file in this location, small files are not stored directly in the directory but are stored instead in a zip archive.


Parameter NameTypeDescription
Root DirectoryPath (String)Root path on the file system where the files will be stored (/rootPath/subdirectory/checksum)
Enable physical deletion of filesBooleanIf false, the files won't be deleted from the file system when they are deleted from regards
Files maximum size for zipsInteger (in bytes)Maximal size of a file to be considered a small file so it uses the small file archival system
Maximum zip sizeInteger (in bytes )Maximal size of an archive, no more files will be added once it reaches this size
File Naming StrategyEnum (String)Either CHECKSUM (default) or FILENAME, determine how the file will be named on the file system