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Version: 1.16

Apply catalog service


This section describes how to run a Catalog service on rs-catalog microservice.


How to

The Regards REST API concept describes how REST interfaces must be handled to submit requests.



Request body format

"entityType": "",
"searchRequest": {
"engineType": "",
"datasetUrn": "",
"searchParameters": {
"entityIdsToInclude": [],
"entityIdsToExclude": [],
"searchDateLimit": ""
"dynamicParamters": {
"paramter": "value"
entityTypeStringEntity type on which apply service. Possible values are:
searchRequestObjectSearch query to find productsTrue
searchRequest.engineTypeStringSearch engine type depends on available plugins. Possible values are legacy, stac and opensearchTrue
searchRequest.datasetUrnStringFilter search on a specific dataset by passing its URNFalse
searchRequest.searchParametersObjectSearch parameters depnds on engine type selectedTrue
searchRequest.entityIdsToIncludeList<String>List of unqiue identifiers to include in searchFalse
searchRequest.entityIdsToExcludeList<String>List of unqiue identifiers to exclude from searchFalse
searchRequest.searchDateLimitDateDeadline for the creation of products to be searched.False
dynamicParametersObjectList of key/values for specific plugin parameters. Key is the parameter name and value is the value of the parameterFalse
Example to aplly a download plugin with legcy engine
"entityType": "DATA",
"searchRequest": {
"engineType": "legacy",
"searchParameters": {
"q": "properties.valid: true AND properties.data_type: type01"