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Version: 1.16

Opensearch search API


This section describes how to search products from REGARDS meta catalog with OpenSearch API.

Open Search API with parameter, time and geo extensions returning standard ATOM response or GeoJSON feature collection and exposing an Open Search description.


Open search engine is not available by default and has to be configured.


How to

The Regards REST API concept describes how REST interfaces must be handled to submit requests.


Opensearch configuration is accessible form the Administration Interface.

This configration is divided in 3 parts

  1. Link opensearch engine to catalog data. You can associate the opensearch engine to all the REGARDS catalog or associate it to one specific dataset.
  2. Configure opensearch responses headers.
  3. Configure opensearch parameters. Here you can define specific opensearch parameters.


By default, all REGARDS parameters are defined by without any needed configuration. Configure one or many of the regards parameters allow to define the generation of possible values in opensearch descriptor file.

Time extension configuration

To be able to use the opensearch time extension you have to configure the opensearch engine to define the two standard parameters "start" and "end".
To do so, follow the here under example :

  • Define [time.start] parameterGET |
  Alias : timeStart
Name : start
Namespace : time
full json path of associated REGARDS attribute :
  • Define [time.end] parameter
  Alias : timeEnd
Name : end
Namespace : time
full json path of associated REGARDS attribute :
info must be replaced by the date attribute to use in the configured REGARDS catalog.

Configure possible values of attributes in opensearch descriptor

To do so, you have to configure the parameters to enable the possible value generation and the value number limit.

  Name : parameter1
Namespace : regards
Enable generation of possible values : true
Limit number of possible values : 100
full json path of associated REGARDS attribute : properties.parameter1

Request example

With the given below time extension configuration you can request the opensearch engine with the here under request :

curl 'http://<host>/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/entities/search?timeStart=2010-05-23T08:16:36.921Z&timeEnd=2022-05-23T08:16:36.921Z&properties.parameter1=value1'


Search collections/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/collections/searchGET
Open Search description for collections/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/collections/search/opensearchdescription.xmlGET
Get a single entity from its Unique Resource Name/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/collections/{urn}GET
Search documents/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/documents/searchGET
Open Search description for documents/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/documents/search/opensearchdescription.xmlGET
Get a single document from its Unique Resource Name/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/documents/{urn}GET
Search datasets/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/datasets/searchGET
Open Search description for datasets/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/datasets/search/opensearchdescription.xmlGET
Get a single dataset from its Unique Resource Name/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/datasets/{urn}GET
Search data objects/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/dataobjects/searchGET
Open Search description for data objects/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/dataobjects/search/opensearchdescription.xmlGET
Get a single data object from its Unique Resource Name/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/dataobjects/{urn}GET
Search data objects in the specified dataset/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/datasets/{urn}/dataobjects/searchGET
Open Search description for all data objects in specified dataset/api/v1/rs-catalog/engines/opensearch/datasets/{urn}/dataobjects/search/opensearchdescription.xmlGET

Open Search Query parameters

  • Use open search description to discover search queries.