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Version: 1.16



Dynamic settings can be updated by exporting and importing a JSON configuration file through the admin API or admin interface. It's a configuration per tenant.

See this REST endpoint to import a configuration.

OpenSearch Plugin configuration


This plugin let you override the following configuration :

engineConfigurationEngineConfigurationNConfiguration for the search engine
timeExtension{"activated": boolean}NOpen search time extension
regardsExtension{"activated": boolean}NOpen search REGARDS extension
mediaExtension{"activated": boolean}NOpen search media extension
earthObservationExtension{"activated": boolean}NOpen search Earth Observation extension
parametersConfigurationList<ParameterConfiguration\>YConfiguration for Open search parameters

With EngineConfiguration containing the following parameters:

searchTitlestringNSearch title for response metadata.
Used to construct metadatas for atom+xml and geo+json responses
searchDescriptionstringNDescription for response metadatas.
Used to construct metadatas for atom+xml and geo+json responses
contactstringYEmail to contact
tagsstringYOptional tags to add in Open search descriptor XML file. Each tag must be separated by a blank white space caracter
shortNamestringNEngine short name
longNamestringYEngine long name
imagestringYOptional image URL
attributionstringNAttribution of the search engine

With ParameterConfiguration containing the following parameters:

alliasstringNName of the parameter that will be used in opensearch requests. If not specified the attributeModelJsonPath is used
namestringNName that will be handled by opensearch parameters extensions
namespacestringNNamespace that will be handled by opensearch parameters extensions
optionsEnabledbooleanNIf true, enable the generation of possible values for the parameter in the OpenSearch descriptor XML file
optionsCardinalityintegerYLimit of possible values for the parameter in the opensearch descriptor xml file
attributeModelJsonPathstringNFull json path of associated REGARDS attribute


Catalog Open search engine plugin configuration example
"key": "",
"value": {
"label": "GEODE",
"configuration": {
"pluginId": "opensearch",
"label": "{label}",
"businessId": "{uniqueIdentifier}",
"version": "1.0.0",
"priorityOrder": 0,
"active": true,
"parameters": [
"name": "engineConfiguration",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"contact": "{contact email}",
"searchTitle": "{search title}",
"searchDescription": "{search description}",
"tags": "{list of tags}",
"shortName" : "{engine short name}",
"longName": "{engine long name}",
"image": "{url of an icon}",
"attribution": "{engine attribution}"

"name": "timeExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "regardsExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "mediaExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "parametersConfiguration",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [
"name": "name of the parameter 1",
"allias": "alias of the parameter 1",
"namespace": "namespafe of the parameter 1",
"optionsEnabled": "{true or false}",
"attributeModelJsonPath": "properties.<optional fragment name>.<attribute name>"
"name": "name of the parameter 2",
"allias": "alias of the parameter 2",
"namespace": "namespafe of the parameter 2",
"optionsEnabled": "{true or false}",
"attributeModelJsonPath": " properties.<optional fragment name>.<attribute name>"

Stac Plugin configuration


This plugin let you override the following configuration :

stac-api-titlestringYTitle for the root STAC catalog
stac-api-descriptionstringYDescription for the root STAC catalog
stac-api-root-static-collection-titlestringYDisplayed label for the static collections root
stac-api-root-dynamic-collection-titlestringYDisplayed label for the dynamic collections root
stac-api-datetime-propertyStacDatetimePropertyConfigurationNConfiguration for the datetime property, corresponding to the 'temporal' aspect of the STAC specifications
stac-api-links-propertyStacSourcePropertyConfigurationYSTAC links property
stac-api-assets-propertyStacSourcePropertyConfigurationYSTAC assets property
stac-propertiesList<StacPropertyConfiguration\>YList of STAC properties to be mapped to product properties
stac-collection-dataset-propertiesList<CollectionConfiguration\>NConfiguration for Open search parameters
eodag-propertiesEODAGConfigurationYEODAG configuration to be injected in python script template
histogram-property-pathstringYFully qualified property path from data model

With StacDatetimePropertyConfiguration containing the following parameters:

sourcePropertyPathstringYPath to the model attribute and its corresponding source property in a product
sourceJsonPropertyPathstringYIf the model attribute is of type JSON, defines the path in the JSON structure where to read the value
stacDynamicCollectionLevelintegerYSTAC dynamic collection level
stacDynamicCollectionFormatstringYSTAC dynamic collection format

With StacSourcePropertyConfiguration containing the following parameters:

sourcePropertyPathstringNPath to the model attribute and its corresponding source property in a product
sourceJsonPropertyPathstringYIf the model attribute is of type JSON, defines the path in the JSON structure where to read the value
sourcePropertyFormatstringYFormat for the source property valu

With StacPropertyConfiguration containing the following parameters:

stacComputeSummarybooleanNIf true, a summary should be computed for this property in the collection. Only applicable for STAC type value among 'ANGLE', 'LENGTH', 'PERCENTAGE' and 'NUMBER'
stacDynamicCollectionLevelintegerYSTAC dynamic collection level
stacDynamicCollectionFormatstringYSTAC dynamic collection format

With CollectionConfiguration containing the following parameters:

datasetUrnsList<string\>YURN of the datasets concerned by this collection configuration
licensestringYLicense this collection is running under
keywordsList<string\>YKeywords this collection corresponds to
providersList<ProviderConfiguration\>YProviders for dataset URN

With ProviderConfiguration containing the following parameters:

providerNamestringYName of the institution which provides this collection
providerDescriptionstringYDescription of the institution which provides this collection
providerUrlstringYURL to the institution which provides this collectio
providerRolesList<string/>YRoles of the institution which provides this collection among the following values: 'LICENSOR', 'PRODUCER', 'PROCESSOR', 'HOST'

With EODAGConfiguration containing the following parameters:

portalNamestringYName of the portal to render in downloaded script
providerstringYName of EODAG provider variable to render in downloaded script
apiKeystringYEODAG virtual environment variable for API Key


Catalog STAC plugin configuration example
"pluginId": "stac",
"label": "{label}",
"businessId": "{uniqueIdentifier}",
"version": "1.0.0",
"priorityOrder": 1,
"active": true,
"parameters": [{
"name": "stac-api-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{stac root title}"
"name": "stac-api-description",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{stac root description}"
"name": "stac-api-root-static-collection-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{static collection root label}"
"name": "stac-api-root-dynamic-collection-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{dynamic collection root label}"
"name": "stac-api-datetime-property",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"sourcePropertyPath": "datetime"
"name": "stac-properties",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [{
"stacPropertyName": "{property1}",
"sourcePropertyPath": "{path property1}",
"stacComputeSummary": "{true or false}",
"stacPropertyExtension": "{property1 extension}",
"stacDynamicCollectionLevel": 1
"stacPropertyName": "{property2}",
"sourcePropertyPath": "{path property2}",
"stacComputeSummary": "{true or false}",
"stacPropertyExtension": "{property2 extension}",
"stacDynamicCollectionLevel": 1
"name": "stac-collection-dataset-properties",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [{
"license": "{license name}",
"datasetUrns": ["{URN of the dataset}"],
"keywords": ["{keyword1}", "{keyword2}"]

Catalog services plugins configuration

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
applyToAllDatasetsbooleanfalseIf not true, then the user has to configure each dataset to allow
access to the service

Download plugin configuration

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
maxFilesToDownloadinteger1000Maximum number of files that the plugin allows to download
maxFilesSizeToDownloadinteger100Maximum total size in Mo of selected files for one download
archiveFileNameStringdownload.zipName of the archive containing all selected files for download
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
onlyImagesbooleanfalseIf set to true, metalink file will only contains image files of the selected products

Export CSV plugin configuration

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
dynamicCsvFilenameStringName of the exported CSV file. If absent, name is csv_export_<current_date>.csv by default
maxDataObjectsToExportinteger10000Maximum number of exportable products in the csv
basicPropertiesToExcludeList<String\>Basic properties to exclude from the csv file
dynamicPropertiesToRetrieveList<String\>Json paths to retrieve dynamic properties from the selected data