Dynamic settings can be updated by exporting and importing a JSON configuration file through the admin API or admin interface. It's a configuration per tenant.
See this REST endpoint to import a configuration.
Configuration type | Available | Description |
Import configuration in json format | True | |
Export configuration in json format | True | |
Reset configuration before import | True |
OpenSearch Plugin configuration
This plugin let you override the following configuration :
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
engineConfiguration | EngineConfiguration | N | Configuration for the search engine |
timeExtension | {"activated": boolean} | N | Open search time extension |
regardsExtension | {"activated": boolean} | N | Open search REGARDS extension |
mediaExtension | {"activated": boolean} | N | Open search media extension |
earthObservationExtension | {"activated": boolean} | N | Open search Earth Observation extension |
parametersConfiguration | List<ParameterConfiguration\> | Y | Configuration for Open search parameters |
With EngineConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
searchTitle | string | N | Search title for response metadata. Used to construct metadatas for atom+xml and geo+json responses |
searchDescription | string | N | Description for response metadatas. Used to construct metadatas for atom+xml and geo+json responses |
contact | string | Y | Email to contact |
tags | string | Y | Optional tags to add in Open search descriptor XML file. Each tag must be separated by a blank white space caracter |
shortName | string | N | Engine short name |
longName | string | Y | Engine long name |
image | string | Y | Optional image URL |
attribution | string | N | Attribution of the search engine |
With ParameterConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
allias | string | N | Name of the parameter that will be used in opensearch requests. If not specified the attributeModelJsonPath is used |
name | string | N | Name that will be handled by opensearch parameters extensions |
namespace | string | N | Namespace that will be handled by opensearch parameters extensions |
optionsEnabled | boolean | N | If true, enable the generation of possible values for the parameter in the OpenSearch descriptor XML file |
optionsCardinality | integer | Y | Limit of possible values for the parameter in the opensearch descriptor xml file |
attributeModelJsonPath | string | N | Full json path of associated REGARDS attribute |
"key": "",
"value": {
"label": "GEODE",
"configuration": {
"pluginId": "opensearch",
"label": "{label}",
"businessId": "{uniqueIdentifier}",
"version": "1.0.0",
"priorityOrder": 0,
"active": true,
"parameters": [
"name": "engineConfiguration",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"contact": "{contact email}",
"searchTitle": "{search title}",
"searchDescription": "{search description}",
"tags": "{list of tags}",
"shortName" : "{engine short name}",
"longName": "{engine long name}",
"image": "{url of an icon}",
"attribution": "{engine attribution}"
"name": "timeExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "regardsExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "mediaExtension",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"activated": "{true or false}"
"name": "parametersConfiguration",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [
"name": "name of the parameter 1",
"allias": "alias of the parameter 1",
"namespace": "namespafe of the parameter 1",
"optionsEnabled": "{true or false}",
"attributeModelJsonPath": "properties.<optional fragment name>.<attribute name>"
"name": "name of the parameter 2",
"allias": "alias of the parameter 2",
"namespace": "namespafe of the parameter 2",
"optionsEnabled": "{true or false}",
"attributeModelJsonPath": " properties.<optional fragment name>.<attribute name>"
Stac Plugin configuration
This plugin let you override the following configuration :
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
stac-api-title | string | Y | Title for the root STAC catalog |
stac-api-description | string | Y | Description for the root STAC catalog |
stac-api-root-static-collection-title | string | Y | Displayed label for the static collections root |
stac-api-root-dynamic-collection-title | string | Y | Displayed label for the dynamic collections root |
stac-api-datetime-property | StacDatetimePropertyConfiguration | N | Configuration for the datetime property, corresponding to the 'temporal' aspect of the STAC specifications |
stac-api-links-property | StacSourcePropertyConfiguration | Y | STAC links property |
stac-api-assets-property | StacSourcePropertyConfiguration | Y | STAC assets property |
stac-properties | List<StacPropertyConfiguration\> | Y | List of STAC properties to be mapped to product properties |
stac-collection-dataset-properties | List<CollectionConfiguration\> | N | Configuration for Open search parameters |
eodag-properties | EODAGConfiguration | Y | EODAG configuration to be injected in python script template |
histogram-property-path | string | Y | Fully qualified property path from data model |
With StacDatetimePropertyConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
sourcePropertyPath | string | Y | Path to the model attribute and its corresponding source property in a product |
sourceJsonPropertyPath | string | Y | If the model attribute is of type JSON, defines the path in the JSON structure where to read the value |
stacDynamicCollectionLevel | integer | Y | STAC dynamic collection level |
stacDynamicCollectionFormat | string | Y | STAC dynamic collection format |
With StacSourcePropertyConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
sourcePropertyPath | string | N | Path to the model attribute and its corresponding source property in a product |
sourceJsonPropertyPath | string | Y | If the model attribute is of type JSON, defines the path in the JSON structure where to read the value |
sourcePropertyFormat | string | Y | Format for the source property valu |
With StacPropertyConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
stacComputeSummary | boolean | N | If true, a summary should be computed for this property in the collection. Only applicable for STAC type value among 'ANGLE', 'LENGTH', 'PERCENTAGE' and 'NUMBER' |
stacDynamicCollectionLevel | integer | Y | STAC dynamic collection level |
stacDynamicCollectionFormat | string | Y | STAC dynamic collection format |
With CollectionConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
datasetUrns | List<string\> | Y | URN of the datasets concerned by this collection configuration |
license | string | Y | License this collection is running under |
keywords | List<string\> | Y | Keywords this collection corresponds to |
providers | List<ProviderConfiguration\> | Y | Providers for dataset URN |
With ProviderConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
providerName | string | Y | Name of the institution which provides this collection |
providerDescription | string | Y | Description of the institution which provides this collection |
providerUrl | string | Y | URL to the institution which provides this collectio |
providerRoles | List<string/> | Y | Roles of the institution which provides this collection among the following values: 'LICENSOR', 'PRODUCER', 'PROCESSOR', 'HOST' |
With EODAGConfiguration
containing the following parameters:
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
portalName | string | Y | Name of the portal to render in downloaded script |
provider | string | Y | Name of EODAG provider variable to render in downloaded script |
apiKey | string | Y | EODAG virtual environment variable for API Key |
"pluginId": "stac",
"label": "{label}",
"businessId": "{uniqueIdentifier}",
"version": "1.0.0",
"priorityOrder": 1,
"active": true,
"parameters": [{
"name": "stac-api-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{stac root title}"
"name": "stac-api-description",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{stac root description}"
"name": "stac-api-root-static-collection-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{static collection root label}"
"name": "stac-api-root-dynamic-collection-title",
"type": "STRING",
"value": "{dynamic collection root label}"
"name": "stac-api-datetime-property",
"type": "POJO",
"value": {
"sourcePropertyPath": "datetime"
"name": "stac-properties",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [{
"stacPropertyName": "{property1}",
"sourcePropertyPath": "{path property1}",
"stacComputeSummary": "{true or false}",
"stacPropertyExtension": "{property1 extension}",
"stacDynamicCollectionLevel": 1
"stacPropertyName": "{property2}",
"sourcePropertyPath": "{path property2}",
"stacComputeSummary": "{true or false}",
"stacPropertyExtension": "{property2 extension}",
"stacDynamicCollectionLevel": 1
"name": "stac-collection-dataset-properties",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"value": [{
"license": "{license name}",
"datasetUrns": ["{URN of the dataset}"],
"keywords": ["{keyword1}", "{keyword2}"]
Catalog services plugins configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
applyToAllDatasets | boolean | false | If not true, then the user has to configure each dataset to allow access to the service |
Download plugin configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
maxFilesToDownload | integer | 1000 | Maximum number of files that the plugin allows to download |
maxFilesSizeToDownload | integer | 100 | Maximum total size in Mo of selected files for one download |
archiveFileName | String | | Name of the archive containing all selected files for download |
Meta Link Download plugin configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
onlyImages | boolean | false | If set to true, metalink file will only contains image files of the selected products |
Export CSV plugin configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
dynamicCsvFilename | String | Name of the exported CSV file. If absent, name is csv_export_<current_date>.csv by default | |
maxDataObjectsToExport | integer | 10000 | Maximum number of exportable products in the csv |
basicPropertiesToExclude | List<String\> | Basic properties to exclude from the csv file | |
dynamicPropertiesToRetrieve | List<String\> | Json paths to retrieve dynamic properties from the selected data |