developers advice
If you want to create your own implementation of one of these extension points, you need to extend the specific interface indicated.
Data source plugins
All the following plugins implements the IDataSourcePlugin interface.
Plugin image | Plugin name | Description |
rs-aip-data-source-plugin | aip-datasource | Plugin to crawl products from rs-ingest microservice. |
rs-feature-datasource-plugin | feature-datasource | Plugin to crawl products from rs-fem microservice. |
rs-postgresql-datasource-plugin | postgresql-datasource-single-table | Plugin to crawl products from a single table of a postgres database . |
rs-postgresql-datasource-plugin | postgresql-datasource | Plugin to crawl products from many tables of a postgres database . |
rs-webservice-datasource-plugin | webservice-datasource | Plugin to crawl products from an Opensearch web service. |
Access rights plugins
All the following plugins implements the IDataObjectAccessFilterPlugin interface.
Plugin image | Plugin name | Description |
Already provided inside the microservice | CustomDataObjectsAccessPlugin | Allow access to dataObjects matching the given opensearch lucene formated query |
Already provided inside the microservice | NewDataObjectsAccess | Allow access only to new data objects. New data objects are thoses created at most X days ago. X is a parameter to configure. |
Already provided inside the microservice | OldDataObjectsAccess | Allow access only to old data objects. Old data objects are thoses created at least X days ago. X is a parameter to configure. |
Computed attributes plugins
All the following plugins implements the IComputedAttribute interface.
Plugin image | Plugin name | Description |
Already provided inside the microservice | CountPlugin | Allows to compute the number of data of a Dataset |
Already provided inside the microservice | IntSumComputePlugin | Allows to compute the sum of IntegerAttribute according to a collection of data using the same IntegerAttribute name |
Already provided inside the microservice | LongSumComputePlugin | Allows to compute the sum of LongAttribute according to a collection of data using the same LongAttribute name |
Already provided inside the microservice | MaxDateComputePlugin | Allows to compute the maximum of a DateAttribute according to a collection of data |
Already provided inside the microservice | MinDateComputePlugin | Allows to compute the minimum of a DateAttribute according to a collection of data |