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Version: 1.16

How it works


The rs-access-instance microservice is composed of two distinct modules in order to configure instance administration web UI.

Module : uiconfiguration

This module allows to handle the configuration of the Regards user interface with CRUD operations on the database concerning the UI widgets, layout and themes for portal interface. This module is also used in the rs-access-project microservice. All these graphical elements are stored in the database of Regards instance.

Module : toponyms-instance

A toponym is a geographic location, such as a town, region or country identified by a label. The PostGIS extension is added in the PostgreSQL database. PostGIS extends the capabilities of the PostgreSQL relational database by adding support for storing, indexing, and querying geospatial data.

This module allows to store and to retrieve toponyms in the database thanks to a REST API ( see API GUIDES).

List of endpoints :

  • Retrieve all toponyms (only visible toponyms, with geometry) with pagination from the database
  • Get a toponym (by default, with geometry : simplified=false) by its business identifier from the database. If the simplified parameter is true, the geometry is not contained in the returned toponym.
  • Search a toponym thanks to a partial label from the database. Geometries are not retrieved and list content is limited to 100 toponyms. By default only visible toponyms are retrieved. If the partial label is empty, retrieve the list of toponyms (only visible toponyms, with geometry) limited to 100.
  • Create a new toponym in the database, visible only for a user (number of created toponym limited by user and by day : see configuration). The new toponym has a expiration date of 1 day.

At the starting of microservice, a list of toponyms concerning countries is loaded in the database of Regards thanks to the SQL script. To add new toponyms in the database of Regards, you can use :

  • a SQL script :
INSERT INTO ${flyway:defaultSchema}.t_toponyms ("geom" , "bid", "label", "label_fr", "copyright") 
  • a command line tool nammed ogr2ogr that converts one Ogr defined data source to another Ogr data source. Ogr supports many data formats here is a subset of the ones we commonly use: ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo Tab file, CSV, DBF, GML, KML, Interlis, SQLite, GeoPackage,SpatiaLite, ODBC, ESRI GeoDatabase (MDB format), ESRI GDB database, PostGIS/PostgreSQL.

The following script allows to insert toponym in the database of Regards thanks to a shapefile.

gr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" \
-update -append \
-skipfailures \
-lco FID=id \
-lco SCHEMA=toponyms \
-nln toponyms.t_toponyms \
"PG:host=<host> user=<login> password=<password> dbname=<dbname>" \
-lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom \
-sql "SELECT <label from shape file> AS label, <label from shape file> AS label_fr, \
<copiright from shape file> AS copyright, <unique identifier from shape file> AS bid FROM <shapeFile>" \

Structure of table(name: t_toponyms) of database in order to define a toponym in Regards :

bidvarchar(50) not null UNIQUE (primary key)Business identifier
labelvarchar(256) NOT NULLLabel of toponym
label_frvarchar(256) NOT NULLLabel of toponym (in french)
copyrightvarchar(512)Copyright of toponym
descriptionvarchar(512)Description of toponym
geompublic.geometry(Geometry,4326)Geometry information SRID=4326 (PostGIS)
visibleboolean DEFAULT trueVisibility of toponym in IHM
creation_datetimestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMPDate of creation of toponym in database
expiration_datetimestampDate of expiration of toponym in database
projectvarchar(256)Name of project for the toponym
authorvarchar(100)Author for the toponym

A scheduler is defined to clean old toponyms in the database; if the toponym is not visible and its expiration date is passed.