REGARDS business components
The webapp/business
folder provides re-usable business oriented modules, each of them holding a set of React Component often shared between admin and user applications. The complete list of those modules is:
- admin-data-entities-attributes-management: Component to display a REGARDS entity (DATASET, COLLECTION, DOCUMENT, ..) attributes configurator form
- admin-error-user-config-module: Validate modules configuration using searchable attributes to ensure others modules validity
- attributes-common: Components to display a REGARDS attribute configuration field for standard, dynamic and regroupements attributes
- endpoints-common: Backend global client to retrieve access rights on microservices endpoints
- entities-common: Components to display a REGARDS entity (DATASET, COLLECTION, DOCUMENT, DATA, ....) description or apply a service on entity
- global-system-error: Application decorator to handle server requests errors
- microservice-plugin-configurator: Component to configure any backend plugin of any REGARDS microservice
- order-common: Components to handle REGARDS orders
- project-handler: Application decorator to retrieve current project
- toponym-common: Tools, constants and components to work with toponyms
- user-metadata-common: Component to display a REGARDS user metadata configator fields. Used for user creation/updates