Develop a new microservice
REGARDS Microservices are REST services exposed by a Jetty web server contained in a Spring boot application and composed of modules. Each microservice is a Maven project aggregating Maven modules. There is two modules by default: one responsible for running the microservice and one responsible for business. In case a microservice needs to be composed by more than one business module, a module archetype is available.
Requirements for development
- Git client
- Maven v3.8.4+
- JDK Eclipse Temurin v17.0.3+
Common features
Each microservice offers the features :
- REST Resources authorization access by user ROLES
- Access to the Cloud Eureka Registry client to communicate with others microservices
- Access to the Cloud Config Server to centralize configurations properties
- Swagger Interface : http://address:port/swagger-ui.html
Create your first microservice
To create a new microservice you have to create a new maven project with the microservice-archetype. To do so :
- Clone the git regards-backend repository
git clone
- Compile and install the maven project
cd regards-backend
mvn clean install -DskipTests
- Generate the new microservice in another folder than regards-backend thanks to the maven project archetype:
mkdir ../myMicroservice
cd ../myMicroservice
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
You have many archetype proposed to you, under the format
number: [local|remote] -> archetype_group_id:archetype_artifact_id (archetype_description)
find the line
X: local -> fr.cnes.regards.microservices:microservice-archetype (microservice-archetype)
and enter X
where X is the actual number of the microservice creation archetype. Then enter the requested fields as follow :
: fr.cnes.regards.microservices.mymicroserviceartifactId
: mymicroserviceversion
: press enter to apply default valuepackage
: press enter to apply default valuemicroserviceDescription
: My microservice descriptionmicroserviceName
: mymicroservicemicroserviceTitle
: My Microservice
Create your first module
Once you have created the microservice container, you have to create modules.
To add a new module to your microservice you have to add a new maven module with the module-archetype. To do so :
- Inside the microservice root folder, execute the following command to generate a module
cd myMicroservice
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
Choose the right archetype (fr.cnes.regards.modules:module-archetype
) and enter requested field as follow :
: fr.cnes.regards.modulesartifactId
: my-moduleversion
: press enter to apply default valuepackage
: press enter to apply default value
Add the following dependency to bootstrap-myMicroservice/pom.xml
file (for instance, with the module artifact id myModule
) :
Configure microservice to run locally with a remote REGARDS server instance
In order to help developers test their microservice, local configuration files are available when you generate a microservice through the maven archetype. Those files are :
Fill those configuration files with the missing informations.
Test the microservice
To compile the new microservice :
cd myMicroService
mvn clean install
To run the new microservice :
cd myMicroService/bootstrap-myMicroservice
mvn spring-boot:run
16:07:14.417 [main ] INFO o.s.b.c.e.j.JettyEmbeddedServletContainer - Jetty started on port(s) 8999 (http/1.1)
16:07:14.421 [main ] INFO o.s.c.n.e.EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration - Updating port to 8999
16:07:14.429 [main ] INFO f.c.r.microservices.Application - Started Application in 16.691 seconds (JVM running for 23.349)
To authenticate :
To get an authentication token, the following POST request should be send to the authentication microservice :
curl -X POST 'http://host:port/oauth/token?grant_type=password&' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50OnNlY3JldA=='
API exemple access :
curl http://localhost:8999/api/greeting/ -H "Authorization: Bearer <user_acces_token>"
curl http://localhost:8999/api/me/ -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin_acces_token>"
Swagger UI access : http://localhost:8999/swagger-ui.html
NOTE : To add new REST resource follow example on file
Centralize your new microservice configuration
To centralize the configuration of your microservice, you can copy your file to the rs-config microservice installation directory :
cp myMicroservice/bootstrap-myMycroservice/src/main/resources/ rs-config/config/regards/
You can also find a tutorial documentation on how to build REGARDS plugins and microservices here