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Version: 1.15

Frontend - Dynamic module Search Graph


This module is a dynamic configurable module to be used in REGARDS user interfaces. It displays a navigation tree into the REGARDS collections and datasets where each level corresponds to a given collection model - except the last one that shows only datasets. It offers description functionnality for each entity and shows, using detail toggle, the specified datasets attributes. The module also shows and drives a search-results table:

  • When user clicks a dataset, the search-results table displays all dataobjects related to that dataset
  • When user clicks a tag (in description dialog), the search-results table displays all dataobjects related to that tag

Module structure

├── src
| ├──
| ├── clients : Define all backend clients needed to request/send information
| ├── components : React component to display panels
| ├── containers : React-Redux logic to handle module functions
| ├── i18n : Messages and labels internationalization
| ├── styles : Panels styles (inline css objects)
| ├── main.js : Module exported index
| ├── reducer.js : Redux reducers
| └── router.js : React-router configuration
├── tests
├── default-icon.svg : Default module icon as svg, mandatory
├── package.json : Npm module description file


This module is routed by the main application in which it is configured as a static or dynamic module. Static modules are always displayed in the interface layout. Dynamic modules are only displayed when the interface route is /modules/:module_id where module_id is the configuration identifier of the module.

Exposed functions

This module as a dynamic configurable module exposes its own:

  • moduleContainer : Main module React component used to display this module,
  • adminContainer : Main module React component used to display the administration panel of this module,
  • reducer : To configure the general Redux Store.
  • styles : Styles of the module
  • messages : Messages and labels internationalization object (default : imported index.js from messages/)
  • dependencies : The needed resources (backend enpoints) to display each part of the module


All displayed labels are defined in two languages (English and French) and are avaible from the i18n repository.