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Version: 1.15

Frontend - Dynamic module Licenses


This module is a dynamic configurable module to be used in REGARDS user interfaces. It presents configured project license in an iframe and allows user accepting it. When installed, and if the project has some license, project user interface can no longer be accessed without accepting license.

Module structure

├── src
| ├──
| ├── clients : Define all backend clients needed to request/send information
| ├── components : React component to display panels
| ├── containers : React-Redux logic to handle module functions
| ├── i18n : Messages and labels internationalization
| ├── styles : Panels styles (inline css objects)
| ├── main.js : Module exported index
| ├── reducer.js : Redux reducers
| └── router.js : React-router configuration
├── tests
├── default-icon.svg : Default module icon as svg, mandatory
├── package.json : Npm module description file


This module is routed by the main application in which it is configured as a static or dynamic module. Static modules are always displayed in the interface layout. Dynamic modules are only displayed when the interface route is /modules/:module_id where module_id is the configuration identifier of the module.

Exposed functions

This module as a dynamic configurable module exposes its own:

  • moduleContainer : Main module React component used to display this module,
  • adminContainer : Main module React component used to display the administration panel of this module,
  • reducer : To configure the general Redux Store.
  • styles : Styles of the module
  • messages : Messages and labels internationalization object (default : imported index.js from messages/)
  • dependencies : The needed resources (backend enpoints) to display each part of the module


All displayed labels are defined in two languages (English and French) and are avaible from the i18n repository.