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Version: 1.15

Datasource plugin



This extension point allows you to crawl data from any source into the REGARDS catalog.

REGARDS provides many implementation of this extension point :




To learn more about how to create your own plugin see Plugins

Here under is an exemple of how to implements this extension point to create your own business logic.

@Plugin(id = "ExempleDataObjectsAccessPlugin", version = "4.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
description = "Allow access to dataObjects",
author = "REGARDS Team", contact = "", licence = "LGPLv3.0", owner = "CSSI",
url = "")
public class DataSourcePlugin implements IDataSourcePlugin {

@PluginParameter(name = "modelName", label = "model name", description = "Associated data source model name")
private String modelName;

@PluginParameter(name = "refreshRate", defaultValue = "86400", optional = true,
label = "refresh rate", description = "Crawling refresh rate in seconds (minimum delay between two consecutive crawls)")
private Integer refreshRate;

public String getModelName() {
return modelName;

public int getRefreshRate() {
return refreshRate;

* Returns a {@link Page} of new entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the {@code Pageable} object.
* @param tenant tenant to build URN
* @param pageable the pagination information
* @param date Allows to filter the new entities created after this date parameter (can be null)
* @return a page of entities
public Page<DataObjectFeature> findAll(String tenant, Pageable pageable, OffsetDateTime date) throws DataSourceException {
long totalElements = 0L;
List<DataObjectFeature> features = new ArrayList<>();
// ... here is the business code to retrieve the DataObjectFeatures to add into the REGARDS catalog.
// The features to returned are wrapped pages in order to handle a large number of features.
return new PageImpl<>(features, pageable, totalElements);