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Version: 1.15

Computed attribute plugins



This extension point allows to define a calculation method for a feature attribute value before indexation in REGARDS catalog. This calcul is made during the data source crawling process.

REGARDS provides many implementation of this extension point :

  • CountPlugin : Allow to compute the number of dataobjects of a dataset.
  • IntSumComputePlugin : Allow to compute an integer sum of an attribute of each dataobjects in a dataset.
  • LongSumComputePlugin : Allow to compute the sum of an attribute of each dataobjects in a dataset.
  • MaxDateComputePlugin : Allow to compute the minimum date of all dataobjects in a dataset.
  • MinDateComputePlugin : Allow to compute the maximum date of all dataobjects in a dataset.




To learn more about how to create your own plugin see Plugins

Here under is an exemple of how to implements this extension point to create your own business logic. This exemple show how to fill a feature attribute with the concatenation of two other ones.

@Plugin(id = "exemple", version = "1.0.0", description = "exemple plugin",
author = "REGARDS Team", contact = "", licence = "LGPLv3.0", owner = "CSSI",
url = "")
@ComputationPlugin(supportedType = AttributeType.STRING)
public class Plugin implements IComputedAttribute<Dataobject, String> {

@PluginParameter(name = "attributeToComputeName", label = "Result attribute name",
description = "Name of attribute to compute (ie result attribute).", unconfigurable = true)
private String attributeToComputeName;

@PluginParameter(name = "attributeToComputeFragmentName", label = "Result fragment name",
description = "Name of attribute to compute fragment. If computed attribute belongs to "
+ "default fragment, this value can be set to null.", optional = true, unconfigurable = true)
private String attributeToComputeFragmentName;

private AttributeModel attributeToCompute;

private String value = "";

* Plugin initialization method to retrieve AttributeModel from configuration
public void init() {
attributeToCompute = attModelRepos.findByNameAndFragmentName(attributeToComputeName, Strings.isNullOrEmpty(
attributeToComputeFragmentName) ? Fragment.getDefaultName() : attributeToComputeFragmentName);

public String getResult() {
return value;

public void compute(Dataobject dataobject) {
value = String.format("computed value - %s - %s - ",

public AttributeModel getAttributeToCompute() {
return attributeToCompute;