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Version: 1.15

Securise using HTTPS

This guide walks you through the configuration to expose REGARDS through HTTPS.

  • If you have a p12 file, use these commands to generate crt and key files.
openssl pkcs12 -in <your domain>.p12 -nocerts -nodes  -out <your domain>.key
openssl pkcs12 -in <your domain>.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out <your domain>.crt
  • Create the folder <inventory>/group_vars/regards_nodes/files/ssl in your inventory then open this folder using your terminal

  • Using Ansible Vault - Encrypt file, generates an encrypted version of the <your domain>.key file

  • Copy the <your domain>.crt file without any Ansible Vault encryption (it's not a sensitive information) to the folder <inventory>/group_vars/regards_nodes/files/ssl/

  • Edit your inventory file inventories/<your inventory>/group_vars/regards_nodes/main.yml

protocol: https
host: <your domain>
port: 443
tag: "{{ group_docker_tags.front }}"
crt: <your domain>.crt
key: <your domain>.key

That's it ! Deploy using Ansible then connect to REGARDS using https://<your domain>