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Version: 1.15

RS-DELIVERY microservice

The rs-delivery microservice allows users to order products and retrieve these ordered files on a provided storage location.

To achieve this task, this service:

  • makes requested products available by making an order on the rs-order microservice,
  • downloads these products and saves them on the provided storage location,
  • notifies the delivery request progress via AMQP protocol.

It is imperative to note that rs-delivery only supports AMQP communication (except for its configuration, which uses REST).

Current limitation

For now, the rs-delivery microservice can only :

  • deliver zip files to a S3-compatible storage server.
  • order products within a single suborder. Suborder limit size can be configured on rs-order microservice.

To discover how to use the microservice, refer to the following guides:

API Guides



To learn more about how the microservice is designed, refer to the following documentation delivery architecture.