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Version: 1.14

Feature Factory Plugin

Available implementations

Currently, there is no distributed implementation of the Feature Factory Plugin. The generation of features depends entirely on your project and has to be validated against your own model.

How to implement a new feature factory plugin

Interface to implement

@PluginInterface(description = "Generate a feature from a reference request")
public interface IFeatureFactoryPlugin {

* Generate a {@link Feature} from {@link FeatureExtractionRequest} parameters.
* @param parameters free extraction parameters
* @return generated {@link Feature}
Feature generateFeature(JsonObject parameters) throws ModuleException;


The implementation of this plugin depends on your specific needs. Therefore, a feature can be generated in many different ways based on generic parameters.

Here is a dummy example:

import fr.cnes.regards.framework.modules.plugins.annotations.Plugin;
import fr.cnes.regards.framework.modules.plugins.annotations.PluginInit;
import fr.cnes.regards.framework.modules.plugins.annotations.PluginParameter;
import fr.cnes.regards.framework.urn.EntityType;
import fr.cnes.regards.modules.feature.dto.Feature;
import fr.cnes.regards.modules.featureprovider.domain.plugin.IFeatureFactoryPlugin;

@Plugin(author = "REGARDS Team",
description = "Extract a dummy feature from the url of data file to reference",
id = DummyFeatureFactoryPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, version = "1.0.0", contact = "", license = "GPLv3",
owner = "CNES", url = "")
public class DummyFeatureFactoryPlugin implements IFeatureFactoryPlugin {

public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "DummyExtract";

public Feature generateFeature(JsonObject parameters) throws ModuleException {
String url = parameters.get("url");
return"Some Id" + url, "documentation", null, null, EntityType.DATA, "someModelNamedExample");


For more information on how to implement plugins, refer to Plugin documentation.

How your parameters will be received

When requesting an extraction, the field parameters of the request contains the parameters given to this plugin when the method IFeatureFactoryPlugin#generateFeature is called