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Version: 1.15

Redux form


The REGARDS frontend uses the redux-form library to create forms. This library stores in the common redux store all informations about the current state of the form.

How to use

Simple example

import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
import { RenderTextField, Field, ErrorTypes, ValidationHelpers } from '@regardsoss/form-utils'

export class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
const initialValues = {
// initialize the form field named 'label'
label: 'default label',

handleSubmit(formValues) {

render() {
return (
{ /*
Form with onSubmitMethod: onSubmit is first delegated to redux handleSubmit method that calls this.handleSubmit after execution. That mechanism allows Redux forms to compute mulitple state variable (pristine, invalid, submitting...)
*/ }
<form onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit(this.handleSubmit)}>
name="label" // field name
component={RenderTextField} // field render component
type="text" // field type
label="Label" // field label to display at user
validate={ValidationHelpers.validRequiredString} // validator: computes if the field value is valid
fullWidth // field consumes parent full width, quite standard in REGARDS frontend

/* export the field as connected: reduxForm method will decorate ExampleComponent to add many properties like:
* pristine: has the form changed?
* submitting: is the form currently submitting?
* invalid: is there an invalid field in form?
* handleSubmit: submit method wrapper
* ...
export default reduxForm({
form: 'example-form' // form name in redux store

REGARDS form-utils

In the upper example you can see that each Field component use a component parameter to define the field render. The REGARDS library @regardsoss/form-utils provides the following render components types :

  • RenderArrayObjectField : Render a field to configure an array of objects
  • RenderArrayTextField : Render a field to configure an array of strings
  • RenderAutoCompleteField: Render a field to configure a single value with auto completion
  • RenderCheckbox: Render a boolean checkbox field
  • RenderDateTimeField: Render a date time field
  • RenderDoubleLabelToggle: Render a boolean toggle field with double labels field
  • RenderFileFieldWithMui : Render a field to upload a file from the local user system
  • RenderJsonCodeEditorField : Render a field to configure a complex json object within a JSON editor
  • RenderMapField : Render a field to configure a Map of objects
  • RenderPageableAutoCompleteField : Render a field to configure a single value with auto completion by fetching pageable server endpoint
  • RenderRadio: Render a choice field as radio
  • RenderSelectField: Render a choice field as list input
  • RenderSlider: Render a number field as slider
  • RenderTextField: Render a string field as input
  • RenderToggle: Render a boolean field as simple label toggle

Those components can be imported from @regardsoss/form-utils, like shown below:

import { RenderTextField, RenderToggle, RenderDoubleLabelToggle } from `@regardsoss/form-utils`


To understand more about using redux-form library see the API official documentation