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Version: 1.15

Backend interactions


As explain in the general frontend archicteture (REGARDS UI data), REGARDS is based on Redux and Redux API middleware librairies to fetch network data and store it. This page instantiate a client using client definitions from @regardsoss/client, that defines most of existing REGARDS endpoints

How to

Create your client

First of all you have to create a client.js file to define the 3 Redux standard notions:

  • reducers : To reduce response results into an object to save in the store
  • actions : To send requests
  • selectors : To read results from the store

The example bellow illustrates how to create a ModelClient.js to request models from rs-dam.

1. Create the ModelClient.js

import { DataManagementClient } from '@regardsoss/client'

const ENTITIES_STORE_PATH = ['example', 'data-management', 'model-management', 'model']
const REDUX_ACTION_NAMESPACE = 'admin-data-model-management'

const modelReducer = DataManagementClient.ModelReducer(REDUX_ACTION_NAMESPACE)
const modelActions = new DataManagementClient.ModelActions(REDUX_ACTION_NAMESPACE)
const modelSelectors = DataManagementClient.ModelSelectors(ENTITIES_STORE_PATH)

export default {

Notes :

  • ENTITIES_STORE_PATH : Is the full path into redux store to store backend responses.
  • REDUX_ACTION_NAMESPACE : Name of the action sent to redux. It must be unique among all application clients to avoid multiple reducers handling the same actions.

Add associated reducers to your module reducers :

import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { modelReducer } from 'ModelClient'

const modelDataManagementReducer = combineReducers({
model: modelReducer,

export default modelDataManagementReducer

3. Use your client into a React container

The example demonstrates how to send a request for all model then display the retrieved list.

import { modelActions, modelSelectors } from 'ModelClient'
import { DataManagementShapes } from '@regardsoss/shape'

export class ExampleContainer extends React.component {

static propTypes = {
// from mapStateToProps
modelList: DataManagementShapes.ModelList,
// from mapDispatchToProps
fetchModelList: PropTypes.func,

componentDidMount() {
// send the request

render() {
return (
{map(modelList, (model, i) => (

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
modelList: modelSelectors.getList(state), // retrieve the request result
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
fetchModelList: () => dispatch(modelActions.fetchEntityList()), // function to perform request

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ExampleContainer)