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Version: 1.15

Download ordered files inside archive

*This page assumes you know how to authenticate your REST API requests *

Once your order request is processed, you can download the order result as a zip archive file using the here-under endpoint.

Download all available files from provided order ID<HOST>/api/v1/rs-order/user/orders/{orderId}/downloadGET
Request headers :
"Authorization: Bearer <token>"
orderIdIntNoOrder identifier
tokenStringNoAuthentication token

The downloaded file is named order_<orderId>_<date>.zip.


This endpoint will download currently available files from your order.
This file is a zip archive file containing all files associated to ordered products.
You can use this endpoint everytime new files are available.

cURL example

curl -v -O "<HOST>/api/v1/rs-order/user/orders/1234/download" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"