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Version: 1.15

Notifier plugins overview

This section introduces you how to configure Notifier to send messages depending on the product content.

Recipient sender plugins

Sender plugins are used to define:

  • Notification content (aka the payload)
  • Recipients to notify
  • Can be directly notified

Check Recipient sender plugins guide to see available implementation and their configuration of this kind of plugins.

Recipients / Rules association

In order to have a functional notification system, you can :

  • Associate your Recipient sender plugins to your Rule matcher plugins.
  • allow direct notification from your recipient plugin configuration

To associate your Recipient plugin to a Rule matcher plugin, you need to write an association for each of your Rule matcher plugin:

"key": "fr.cnes.regards.modules.notifier.dto.conf.RuleRecipientsAssociation",
"value": {
"ruleId": "{businessId of rule plugin configuration}",
"recipientIds": [
"{businessId of recipient plugin configuration}"

You can associate one rule matcher plugin to many recipient sender plugins.

Rule matcher plugins

Rules matcher plugins are used to define if a product should be sent according to product content and metadata.

Check Rule matcher plugins guide to see available implementation and configuration of this kind of plugins.

What's next?

If the rule matcher plugin accepts the product to notification, it will send it to each Recipient sender plugin associated to the current rule matcher plugin, following the association ** Recipients / Rules**.

Number of association

Rule matcher plugins can be associated to 0 to N Recipient sender plugins

Notify without checking rule matcher

A recipient sender plugins can be configured to accept direct notifications. By doing so, the message won't be tested against Rule matcher plugins.

Apply configuration

To import your plugin configurations to Notifier, you need import module configuration REST API