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Version: 1.15

Get product progress AMQP


Exchange where submission requests responses are sent:
To listen to Submission requests responses, the REGARDS administrator must create for you a dedicated queue bound to this exchange and allow your RabbitMQ user to access to that queue.

AMQP Headers

Headers are the same for all kind of responses.

"app_id": "REGARDS",
"timestamp": 1681461977,
"correlation_id": "xxx",
"priority": 1,
"delivery_mode": 2,
"content_encoding": "UTF-8",
"content_type": "application/json",
"headers": {
"regards.tenant": "tenant"

Granted response

REGARDS will publish a granted notification on the response exchange when the request is validated.

"correlationId": "xxx",
"productId": "xxx",
"responseStatus": "GRANTED",
correlationIdStringNoRequest identifier
productIdStringNoId of the product to create
responseStatusStringNoStatus of the request. More details below.

Success response

REGARDS will publish a success notification on the response exchange when the request is terminated in success.

"correlationId": "xxx",
"productId": "xxx",
"responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
"expires": "2022-12-22T10:25:52.243Z",
"session": "xxx",
"message": ""
correlationIdStringNoRequest identifier
productIdStringNoId of the product to create
responseStatusStringNoStatus of the request. More details below.
expiresString Date ISO 8601NoRequest expiration date. Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
sessionStringNoRequest session name
messageStringYesInformation message about your request

Invalid request responses

REGARDS will publish a denied notification on the response exchange when the request is not valid.

"correlationId": "xxx",
"productId": "xxx",
"responseStatus": "DENIED",
"message": ""
correlationIdStringNoRequest identifier
productIdStringNoId of the product to create
responseStatusStringNoStatus of the request. More details below.
messageStringYesInformation message about your request

A request can be invalid, if :

  • Request is not well formed
  • Provided datatype is unknown or not configured.
How to handle it?

Look at your request, fix it and submit a new one.

Internal error responses

After request has been granted by REGARDS, internal errors may occur. In such case, an error response will be published on the response exchange.

"correlationId": "xxx",
"productId": "xxx",
"responseStatus": "ERROR",
"expires": "2022-12-22T10:25:52.243Z",
"session": "xxx",
"message": "Cause of the internal error"
correlationIdStringNoRequest identifier
productIdStringNoId of the product to create
responseStatusStringNoStatus of the request. More details below.
expiresString Date ISO 8601NoRequest expiration date. Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
sessionStringNoRequest session name
messageStringYesInformation message about your request
How to handle it?

Retry later with new request or contact REGARDS administrators.