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Version: 1.15

Publish acknowledge event

This section describes how to submit acknowledge dissemination of OAIS product thanks to AMQPS interface.


Submission requests have to be published to REGARDS Rabbitmq exchange:

ExchangeVirtual host

Request format


app_idStringStandard RabbitMQ property to track message origin.
priorityIntegerStandard RabbitMQ property to sort messages by priority order.
content_encodingStringStandard RabbitMQ property for the encoding type of the message
content_typeStringStandard RabbitMQ property for the MIME Type of the message sent
delivery_modeIntegerStandard RabbitMQ property for the delivery mode (persistent or not)


regards.tenantStringTenant name depends on REGARDS instance project configuration.
regards.typeStringType of content of the message
Example of the properties and headers of an Ingest request event message
"app_id": "{ID of app}",
"priority": 1,
"delivery_mode": 2,
"content_encoding": "UTF-8",
"content_type": "application/json",
"headers": [
"regards.tenant": "REGARDS",
"regards.type": "fr.cnes.regards.modules.ingest.dto.request.event.DisseminationAckEvent"


"urn": "URN:...",
"recipientLabel": "xxx"
urnStringProduct URN to acknowledge
recipientLabelStringName of the recipient to acknowledge
recipient Label

This is the identifier of the external service from which the acknowledgment message was sent. This identifier matches one of the values that were added in the recipientLabel parameter when manual configuration of the notification service plugin.