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Version: 1.15

Monitor FEM requests progress

AMQP monitoring API...

Feature manager microservice publishes AMQP messages to monitor request lifecycle.

Messages are published to two different exchanges because under the hood Feature manager is in reality composed of two modules: feature and featureprovider. Whatever the exchange to which those monitoring messages are comming from, they have the same structure, that is:

  • The requestId (corresponds to header),
  • The requestOwner (corresponds to regards.request.owner header),
  • The related feature id (not specified for EXTRACTION requests because feature is not yet created),
  • The related feature urn (not specified for EXTRACTION requests because feature is not yet created),
  • The state of the request (GRANTED,DENIED,ERROR or SUCCESS),
  • A list of errors if any.

To receive these messages, your have to subscribe to this exchange.


EXTRACTION process does not create features. So if you want to know the created feature id or urn, you have to listen to responses from the CREATION process which has the same requestId than the corresponding EXTRACTION request.


If AMQP virtual host mode is set to SINGLE, this exchange will receive all messages of all tenants! So the receiver may have to filter them according to the tenant he wishes to manage.


Requests without requestId can be routed to AMQP Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) so no response will be published. However, a notification is sent to the administrators of the project in order to tell them to inspect DLQ.

Example of DENIED request


"requestId": "{requestId}",
"requestOwner": "{requestOwner}",
"id": "{featureId}",
"type": "{requestType}",
"state": "DENIED",
"errors": ["error1", "error2"]

Example of GRANTED request

"requestId": "{requestId}",
"requestOwner": "{requestOwner}",
"id": "{featureId}",
"type": "{requestType}",
"state": "GRANTED"

Example of SUCCESS request

"requestId": "{requestId}",
"requestOwner": "{requestOwner}",
"id": "{featureId}",
"urn": "{featureGeneratedUrn}",
"type": "{requestType}",
"state": "SUCCESS"

Example of ERROR request

"requestId": "{requestId}",
"requestOwner": "{requestOwner}",
"id": "{featureId}",
"urn": "{featureGeneratedUrn}",
"type": "{requestType}",
"state": "ERROR",
"errors": ["error1", "error2"]

...For feature module

Messages are published on this exchange :

...For featureprovider module

Messages are published on this exchange :

In other words, it means that to migrate from V1.3.x to V1.4.0, you need to change the exchange to which you subscribe to receive extraction monitoring messages. Or you might be able to configure your AMQP broker to automatically redirect messages from this exchange to the old one (