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Version: 1.15


The STAC plugin provides a STAC spec interface for any REGARDS project. See the STAC spec base page for more information on this standard.

The STAC plugin consists of four layers:

  • the domain layer, in the maven module stac-domain,
  • the service layer, in the maven module stac-service, depending on stac-domain,
  • the REST layer, in the maven module stac-rest, depending on stac-service,
  • the plugin layer, in the maven module stac-plugin, depending on stac-rest, providing the actual plugin and which can generate the shaded jar to be deployed using the maven-shade plugin.

There also is a stac-test module providing utilities for the tests in all the other modules.

From a "domain driven" perspective:

  • stac-domain provides the domain entities,
  • stac-rest provides the STAC API REST adapter, allowing clients to interact with the plugin,
  • stac-plugin provides the plugin adapter, allowing to interact with the REGARDS system, loading the plugin configuration and mappers from configuration to domain entities.

General notes

Programming style


As much as possible, the code relies on immutable entities and collections and pure functions. The domain entities make heavy use of the vavr collections.

Entities are generally lombok.Value, making them immutable with minimal amount of code.


Service methods are as pure as possible, except for logging and calls to catalog search. Most other side effects are pushed to the REST and plugin adapters.

Dependency injection

Where it is needed, in all classes (services especially), use constructor dependency injection. All service dependencies are declared as final and an explicit constructor is @Autowired. This allows to ensure that all the tests are forced to instanciate (or mock) all the dependencies for any given service.

Programming to an interface

All services have a corresponding interface. Only the interfaces are referenced in other services/components/REST controllers.

Single-responsibility principle

Most services tend to have only one purpose: even if it not always achieved to prevent a too big number of classes, the goal is to have one method per service interface. Small service make them require less dependencies, less autowired components, which makes them generally easier to set up for tests.


Each request to the STAC REST layer sets a UUID for the request. (See the StacRequestCorrelationId and LogAndCorrelationIdInterceptor classes.)

In order to have log messages display this UUID, one should not use the, LOGGER.error(), etc. methods directly.

Instead, the class StacRequestCorrelationId provides static methods allowing to log trace, debug, info, warn and error messages. These methods should be used everywhere (except for tests, and during the plugin loading phase).

Error management

Throwing exceptions is avoided at all costs. Instead, if a method may fail, we wrap the result in a io.vavr.Try. In order to do this, and to ensure that the user provides logging or a meaningful error exception, creating Try instances is avoided, and the TryDSL methods are used instead. See the TryDSL class in the stac-domain module for more information.


stac-domain module

The domain provides:

  • useful constants in the StacSpecConstants class (version numbers, common property names, etc.),

  • the package spec.v1_0_0_beta2, which contains the STAC spec entities (Item, Collection, Catalog) at the latest version of the STAC spec at the time of implementation (version 1.0.0-beta.2),

  • the package api.v1_0_0_beta1, which contains the STAC REST API entities for REST input and output, for instance the ItemSearchBody object which represents search query bodies, or ItemCollectionResponse which represent list of items (/search results, or result for a /collections/items query),

  • the properties package, which contains the StacProperty class. This class is central to the plugin, in that the configuration provides a list of StacProperty values, and these properties are used almost everywhere. They allow to convert the REGARDS documents into STAC Items, and convert the document properties in their STAC spec counterparts.

  • the properties.dyncoll package, containing all the domain entities related to dynamic collections, dynamic collection level definitions and values.

  • the error package provides error management within the plugin.

  • the util package, which strictly speaking should not be part of the domain, but does not justify a whole new package all by itself. It contains some utilities and helpers, as well as a small DSL to work with io.vavr.Try values.

stac-plugin module

This module declares the main plugin class: StacSearchPlugin. This class implements ISearchEngine, but this is only to be able to reuse the UI for plugin configuration. The implementation of this interface is never actually used anywhere, since the plugin declares that it is not applicable to any type of search.

The module also declares several plugin parameter classes, which conform to the conventions for REGARDS plugins.

It also provides an implementation for the ConfigurationAccessorFactory interface named StacConfigurationDomainAccessor, which allows to access the plugin configuration as it is defined in the stac-domain module properties package.

This mechanism allows to define precisely in domain terms the configuration, and have a REGARDS specific plugin adapter, while all the rest of the code knows nothing about REGARDS plugins.

stac-rest module

This module provides four controllers, corresponding to each sub-section of the STAC REST API:

  • the CoreController, providing the GET / query,

  • the ConformanceCOntroller, providing the GET /conformance/ query,

  • more interestingly, the OGCFeatureController, providing the four GET queries to access collections and items,

  • and finally, the ItemSearchCOntroller, providing three endpoints:

    • GET /search, part of the standard,
    • POST /search, part of the standard,
    • GET /otherPage, which is a custom endpoint of this plugin, allowing to paginate item search results.

stac-service module

This module is central, using domain entities from stac-domain, and allowing adapters stac-rest and stac-plugin to do their work.


The mechanism for searching is to create an ItemSearchBody instance (from the GET /search query parameters, from the POST /search body or from the GET /otherPage query parameter), and to use this ItemSearchBody to build an ICriterion.

Once we have an ICriterion, we can use the catalog search service and query Elasticsearch. The results are then transformed into STAC Items, and collected into an ItemSearchResponse.

Collection management

Static collections

In the STAC standard, STAC collections are meant to hold a rather small number of items, in the hundreds at most. This is why, if the catalog contains a lot of items, it is a good idea to split them in many different collections.

However, REGARDS already has the notion of collection/datasets, so we recreate a tree of STAC collections from them.

REGARDS Collections can reference other collections, allowing to build a tree of collections. Similarly, datasets can reference collections. This is used by the STAC static collection mechanism to build a tree of STAC collections.

At the root level, static collections display links to the collections or datasets with no parent collection (referencing no other REGARDS collection).

A user navigating to a STAC collection made from a REGARDS collection will see:

  • if this collection is referenced by other collections/datasets: links to these collections/datasets,
  • if this collection has only items, the link to the list of items.

A user navigating to a STAC collection made from a REGARDS dataset will see:

  • the link to the list of items in this dataset.

Dynamic collections

The user may choose to select some of the configured STAC properties (even the mandatory datetime property) as levels in a dynamic tree.

Each level has at least one sublevel, but may have more. For instance, datetime properties may have several sublevel consisting of selecting the year, then the month, then the day.

The dynamic collection is entirely configured in the plugin configuration, thanks to the "dynamic collection level" and "dynamic collection format" parameters of the STAC properties. The documentation for these parameters explains in details how to set their values correctly.

Dynamic collections domain classes are separated in two aspects: definitions and values.

  • Definitions are parsed from the StacPropertyConfigurations. They define the structure of the dynamic collections.

  • Values are what is provided by the user navigating in collections. Values are represented as base64 encoding of the JSON representation of key/values. The keys are the names of STAC properties. The values are partial or complete values for the properties.

A dynamic collection value allows to provide all possible sub-values, corresponding to child collections. For instance, a dynamic collection value finishing with a datetime property for which the year is given, can lead to all sub-collections for the months of the chosen year.

Once a dynamic collection value is fully completed for the corresponding dynamic collection definition, when all the level definitions are fully valued. At that point, the STAC plugin can transform the dynamic collection value to an ItemSearchBody. Then we reuse the search mechanism with this ItemSearchBody.

Link management

STAC is based extensively on links between entities. Items link to collections, collections link to their inner items, to parent or child collections.

However, links provided by our plugin must authenticate the current user. In STAC, links are only defined by their URL, and it is not pssible to provide authentication headers to be used by the STAC client. Fortunately, REGARDS allows to pass the authentication token as a query parameter named token. The plugin leverages this mechanism and generates links with this parameter.

The class LinkCreatorServiceImpl in the stac-service module is responsible for taking a JWTAuthentication as input, and provide links with links with a valid token.

However, these links will be valid only as long as the token is, and tokens have by default a 2 hour expiration. This means that the user can not bookmark links provided by our plugin, as they will expire in a short time.

STAC browser modifications

Since the official STAC browser implementation (here on github) does not work with links having the token query parameter, a modified version of the STAC browser can be found here. This patched version allows to work with the REGARDS token query parameters, at least until the pull request is merged.