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Version: 1.15

GSON starter


This starter is making easier the use of GSON with new features.


# Scan package for annotated adapters or factories

To avoid conflict between Jackson and GSON with SPRING, set the following property :



Starter autoconfigures a GsonHttpMessageConverter automatically injected in available HTTP message converters.

Il autoconfigures a Gson instance with default adapters and filters plus the introspected ones.

How to

Create type adapters or adapter factories

See GSON reference project.

Register a type adapter

Just create a class extending TypeAdapter and annotated with GsonTypeAdapter with a no arg constructor :

@GsonTypeAdapter(adapted = Your.class)
public class LinkAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Your> {

Register a type adapter as a component

Just create a class extending TypeAdapter and annotated with GsonTypeAdapterBean :

@GsonTypeAdapterBean(adapted = Your.class)
public class LinkAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Your> {

private MyService service;

Register a type adapter factory

Just create a class implementing TypeAdapterFactory and annotated with GsonTypeAdapterFactory with a no arg constructor.

public class YourFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {

Register a type adapter factory as a component

Just create a class implementing TypeAdapterFactory and annotated with GsonTypeAdapterFactoryBean (or Component):

public class YourFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {

private MyService service;

Work with polymorphic classes

Register a Gsonable polymorphic factory

Just annotate the top interface or abstract class of a hierarchical set of classes with Gsonable. Under the hood, the starter will register a dynamically created PolymorphicTypeAdapterFactory. You optionnaly can specify the discriminator name in Gsonable and the discriminator values on sub types through GsonDiscriminator.

During GSON serialization, factory will inject a discriminator property whose name is either @type@ or the specified one and the value is either the class name or the specified discriminator value.
During deserialization, factory build the target object according to its discriminator value.

Register a custom polymorphic factory

Just create a class extending PolymorphicTypeAdapterFactory and annotated with either GsonTypeAdapterFactory or GsonTypeAdapterFactoryBean.

public class YourAdapterFactory extends PolymorphicTypeAdapterFactory<YourInterface> {

public EntityAdapterFactory() {
super(YourInterface.class, "discriminatorName", true);
registerSubtype(YourClass1.class, "disVal1");
registerSubtype(YourClass2.class, "disVal2");

Exclude field from serialization

Just annotate field with GsonIgnore to exclude a particular field.