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Version: 1.15

Develop a plugin

REGARDS plugins are designed to customize functionalities for business specifics needs. The available extension points are defined for each microservice in this documentation under specific microservice section.

Requirements for development:

  • Git client
  • Maven v3.8.4+
  • JDK Eclipse Temurin v17.0.3+


Clone mandatory common github repositories :

Now compile each repository with maven mvn clean install -DskipTests with the here under order :

  1. regards-backend
  2. regards-plugins

Create your plugin maven module

Create a new maven module in the regards-plugins repository under the associated microservice module. For exemple to create a Catalog microservice plugin named 'MyCatalogPlugin' create it in regards-plugins/catalog-plugins/myCatalogPlugin.

Edit your pom.xml and add the here under standard plugin information :

<project xmlns=""



<name>GNU General Public License (GNU GPL)</name>





The shaded plugin is mandatory to build your plugin in order to ensure the compiled jar is self sufficient (include all his dependencies)

You can now develop your plugin implementation following the documentation of the extension point found in this github documentation.

Here under is an exemple of an empty implementation :


You can also find a tutorial documentation on how to build REGARDS plugins and microservices here