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Version: 1.14


Automatic reporting collection is running with JUnit tests.

Report annotation

Add dependency to test artifact (if not already defined) :


Use :


many times to identify all requirements associated to your test.

Use :

@Purpose("Purpose of your test?")

to describe the unit test.


@Purpose("Get model attributes to manage data models")
public void testSomething() {

How to generate requirement reports?

Maven test plugins has to be configured to add a specific reporting listener.


Where reports are generated?

Reports are generated in maven default build directory (i.e. target) under requirement-reports directory. A report starts with RQMT- prefix and is saved as an XML file.

How to generate an aggregated report

Use REGARDS Maven report plugin.

From the root directory of your microservice :

mvn fr.cnes.regards.microservices:report-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:gen --non-recursive

An XLSX file (Windows office document) is created under target directory.