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Version: 1.16

Fill basket from file

This page assumes you know how to authenticate your REST API requests.

This guide describes how add some products inside a basket, from a file submitted by REST API.

Authentication required

This feature is accessible at user-registered level, or any role with more privileges.

You can see API documentation here


  1. A file containing one provider id per line is transmitted to service order by REST API
  2. Order service extract products identifiers from input file
  3. Order service search using catalog service the products matching provider ids
  4. Order service add resulting products to the current basket of the current user
  5. The endpoint returns updated or created basket of the current user

File format

The file is quite simple: one product identifier (provider id) per line.

Input file example
Note that
  • The product version must not be indicated in this file. The last version of the product is always used.
  • Spaces after or before the identifier are automatically removed by order service.
Number max of product identifier

A maximum of provider id per file is configurable at service level : property regards.order.basket.upload. file.max lines, with default value at 1000 ids.

Order service sends a search request to Catalog service, to find all products that match exactly one of the identifier extracted from input file. Several requests can be done because list of ids is partitioned to many list of 100 elements (not configurable), to avoid huge requests to elastic search.


Order service retrieves from catalog the last version of the requested products.

Add product returned to Basket

The result of the catalog search is added to the basket of the current user. If basket does not exist, it will be created.

Note that
  • Product ids not found, not accessible, or not visible are ignored and are not added to basket.
  • If no product are returned, the endpoint return http code 204 (No Content), and nothing is added to basket.
  • Potential errors are specified in API documentation